For my senior capstone project, I imagined a fictional light rail system in Rochester called the Rochester Rail System that transports passengers in and out of Rochester. While Rochester once had a trolley and subway system, the city and surrounding areas have become very car dependent, and the bus system isn’t the greatest in the area. This light rail system is designed to help people who may utilize the system the most by focusing on lines that goes through areas of high poverty, as well as other areas such as colleges and universities, and high retail/employment areas such as Henrietta and Rochester Tech Park. This capstone features a system map, line map, wayfinding signage, ticket machine screen, transit card, and a long-term PSA announcement.
Research and Development
Initial Research
Buffalo Research
I traveled to Buffalo as they have a light rail system, and Buffalo as a whole is similar to Rochester. I rode on their system and took some notes on what I liked about the system (such as the system being fully handicap accessible), and what I didn't like about the system (such as no Apple Wallet support)
Overall, I thought the system does it's job, but it would be a good base for Rochester's Light Rail System I had in mind. The finalized station mockups in this project do come from Buffalo's Light Rail System.
Final Versions
Project on Display
What people have said about this project
"OH MY GOD! We absolutely need this!!!"
"This map is so well designed, it looks like something that exists in real life."
"I would totally ride on this system if it were to exist in real life."