Washington Grove Information Kiosk

Washington Grove is a forest in Rochester, NY that is a part of Cobbs Hill Park. Working with the Friends of Washington Grove, Design a concept for an informational kiosk near the entrance to Washington Grove.
This was a group project with Jackie Drozd and Christian Keka. For this project, our objective was to create a colorful kiosk that tells visitors about the park, the history, and wildlife in the park. Our other objective is to have the entrance to the grove from the Reservoir more visible.
My Role/Work
My role in this project besides figuring out the overall design and looks of the kiosks with the group, my role was doing research on Native American History in the area, and then creating graphics that would put onto the kiosks.
I would end up research and then creating a copy text of the History of the Senecas, and map graphics that would be put up onto the History kiosk. The first map would be Native American trails around Cobbs Hill, and the other showing a map of Oliver Phelps Purchase of 1788. 

Early concept sketch of what the History panel would look like that was given to Christian, who would do the final layout of the kiosk.

The final trail map that I created. It shows the trails with an modern overlay of current major streets, highways, rivers, and railroads in the area. I thought adding this map would be an interest to people, especially to people around here finding out one of their streets was formally a trail.

The final map that I created that shows Oliver Philip's Purchase of 1788. While I included the purchase in the copy text, I thought adding a visual would be helpful to the person reading
the sign.

Final Designs and Mock Ups
Finalized Welcome Panel. This is supposed to welcome visitors to the park and tell a bit about the park, the Friends of Washington Grove, and some rules to follow.
Finalized Welcome Panel. This is supposed to welcome visitors to the park and tell a bit about the park, the Friends of Washington Grove, and some rules to follow.
Finalized History Panel. This tells about history of the Seneca Nation, and a timeline from 1788 to 2013.
Finalized History Panel. This tells about history of the Seneca Nation, and a timeline from 1788 to 2013.
Finalized Geology Panel. This tells about the glaciers that came through that shaped the area, and about the forest.
Finalized Geology Panel. This tells about the glaciers that came through that shaped the area, and about the forest.
Finalized Wildlife Panel. This tells about wildlife that you can find in the grove.
Finalized Wildlife Panel. This tells about wildlife that you can find in the grove.

Mockup of what the kiosk is supposed to look like with our finalized designs. This mockup was created by Christian.

Mock up of what the kiosk would look life if placed in the park and near the entrance to the grove. This mockup was created by Christian.

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